Sunday, April 22, 2012

What reason should I get confirmed with the Holy Spirit?

By Greg Wilkins

In the Christian church, being confirmed is a significant rite of passage. Getting confirmed in the church has various reasons to why to do it. The sacrament of Confirmation includes application of holy oil to the conferment's forehead. A light cheek slapping is related meaning to be a soldier of Jesus Christ and to be prepared to suffer for one's faith. Church leaders pray for those being confirmed and lay hands on their heads during the confirmation ceremony.

The importance of the confirmation ceremony to Christians is best gleaned when people understand why Christians get confirmed. Having a unique experience with the Lord is one reason for Confirmation. People that pray more, attend church events and assist others will become nearer to God. Closeness to God helps a person to experience His grace for success in life. People spend more time with God through praying and helping other people in the community after their confirmation as confirmation brings people closer to God.

In addition they repudiate their sins in order to begin a new way of life. Confirmation is also done to build a closer relationship with God. Receiving the Holy Spirit in one's life is another reason for people receiving confirmation. During their confirmation priests will use their hands on the confirmed which is thought to allow the Holy Ghost to enter their hearts. Substantiation allows people to be more responsive to the Holy Spirit which makes them feel transformed in their hearts.

Also, a spiritual force which was not experienced before the confirmation charges people. People find comfort, strength in faith, and enhanced decision making through the Holy Spirit. In conclusion, the reason people become confirmed is to obtain the Holy Spirit. Getting confirmed is a wonderful way to confirm ones faith. Trusting God is a key to being a better Christian.

If people have faith; it will help them to serve God more. Getting saved is a popular method of expressing faith because it helps followers to practice their belief in the lord Moreover, it helps people to feel more connected and reaffirm their membership in the church. Another reason to get confirmed is to promote responsibility. With Confirmation comes more responsibility within the Catholic Church, including attending mass weekly, praying often, and emulating Jesus Christ.

Additionally, when receiving their confirmation, they receive the sacrament symbolizing the life and love of God. Getting the "Holy Ghost Goose Bumps" may make people feel that God loves them and is with them all the time. Also this sacrament guarantees that people continue to participate in church activities. There are various reasons in this connection for why get confirmed.

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