Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dark Bags Under Eyes - Standard Causes And Easy Strategies To Reduce Them

By Sean T Saunders

Individuals who find dark bags under eyes when they look in the mirror would almost certainly like to understand what they are and also about those issues which cause their formation. The issues that can cause the dark bags are medically termed periorbital puffiness and periorbital dark circles. These are different conditions however many people can quite often have them both at the same time. Some individuals are predisposed genetically to dark bags under eyes if the skin problem has been running in the family. Normal aging of the skin could also produce the bags for the reason that the skin layers stretches and is less elastic because of collagen loss.

Some persons are genetically predisposed to have a skin texture that is thinner than the norm near the eyes and can have the numerous veins which lie underneath the skin layers in this area showing through, causing the skin to look darker. Interrupted sleep cycles are another common cause of dark bags under eyes. This could occur as a consequence of lack of sleep or insomnia and even because of over sleeping. Stress or anxiety can lead to sleeplessness and dark bags under eyes so if this is the problem, relaxation techniques must be tried. Some kidney and thyroid ailments can also cause dark bags under eyes.

Pregnancy and menstrual cycles may cause the skin to become paler because of hormonal variations and that lets dark veins show. Poor nutrition will not give the body the vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients which are essential to the healthiness of the skin. Some types of medicines could dilate the blood vessels in the skin and this could make the skin near the eyes darken because this region can be quite sensitive to any blood circulation changes. Exposing skin to the sun?s ultra violet rays could cause the body to produce dark bags under eyes by creating melanin that darkens the skin.

If you have allergies to such things as pets, foods or environmental factors then your eyes could become irritated and itchy and this could cause dark bags under eyes. If the allergic reactions are of the hay fever variety from pollution, airborne dirt and dust or pollen in the air, discoloring and puffiness of the sensitive skin around your eyes can happen. One good way to make sure that dark bags under eyes disappear is to make sure that you get a full night of restful sleep every day. Wearing a high protection factor sunscreen and sunglasses when outdoors will also help to protect the skin.

To have a healthy beautiful skin you should make sure that your diet include lots of whole grains, fresh green vegetables and fish. A lot of water should be drunk every day to make sure that the skin is well hydrated but beverages like alcohol, coffee and caffeinated colas should be avoided. Taking a supplement which contains vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients will help to remove dark bags under eyes. Placing a cold compress over the eye area will have the immediate but short-term effect of reducing the eye bags. A traditional remedy is to use chilled slices of cucumber on the eyes.

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1 comment:

  1. A few months ago, I also had bags under my eyes. Fortunately, I tried a blepharoplasty procedure and the results were absolutely amazing! It really helped me remove these annoying bags. Because of these fantastic results, I highly recommend blepharoplasty!
