Saturday, April 14, 2012

"9 Fish Oil Benefits Established Through Scientific Investigations

By Brittany W. Wallace

A plethora of research indicates that, not only are the benefits of fish oil numerous, many of them are actually very extraordinary! It seems sometimes like new studies are being published all the time, as scientists and doctors learn so much more about how and why it is very effective. The omega-3 fatty acids that are in fish oil are "good fats" that are necessary for well-being. They are necessary for human health but our bodies can't produce them - you have to obtain them from your diet. Here are some proven fish oil health benefits that should persuade you to eat more oily, wild fish and/or start taking a highly refined fish oil supplement in the event that you're not already!

Promotes Heart Wellness & Protects Against Heart Attacks and Stroke

Fish oil continues to increase in research reputation as a significant promoter of heart health. According to the American Heart Association, fish oil is effective in reducing the occurrence of heart disease and aids in reducing risk factors like high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Research studies of heart attack survivors have found that daily fish oil capsules dramatically reduce the risk of death, subsequent heart attacks and stroke. Omega-3s also lower blood triglycerides, help correct abnormal heart rhythms, and can help avoid and treat atherosclerosis by preventing the formation of plaque and blood clots, which often clog arteries.

Lessens Inflammation and Pain

Omega-3s possess a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Clinical studies show that diets rich in omega-3s (and low in the inflammatory omega-6s) may benefit people with inflammation-based conditions -- anything ending with -itis!. Fish oil additionally has been utilised to effectively treat neck, back and menstrual pain, helping study patients to lessen their own intake of NSAID drugs.

Ensures Healthy Joints and Minimizes Arthritis

The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil reduce joint tenderness, pain intensity and morning stiffness caused by rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, many test tube studies have shown that omega-3s actually reduce the action of enzymes that destroy cartilage. More than 13 published research trials have demonstrated that fish oil supplements are very effective at treating rheumatoid arthritis. Fish oil has helped people suffering from RA to reduce their need for pain killers.

Enhances Mental Focus & Long-Term Cognitive Function

Are you aware that omega-3s, especially DHA, are incredibly prevalent in the brain? They're essential for optimum cognitive (mental memorization and performance) and behavioral function, as well as normal growth and development. Studies show that omega-3s might aid in achieving proper cognitive functioning and possibly in preventing or holding off the onset of Alzheimer's disease. We also have discovered that it's tremendously crucial that pregnant women get enough DHA, which is crucial to the developing fetus -- during the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus' brain grows at a rate of 250,000 new neurons every 60 seconds! Children are also helped by omega-3 intake, as many studies demonstrate that omega-3s increase learning, concentration, vocabulary and reading skills. Many studies have also shown efficacy in treating ADD.

Produces Happy Mood & Mental Well-being

In countries where fish makes up a significant part of the diet, nationwide rates of depression are lower. So, it's not surprising that studies have found that fish oil supplements can temper the symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder and psychosis. Many studies have found that those who took omega-3s in addition to prescription anti-depressants had a larger improvement in symptoms than those who only took antidepressants, with individuals experiencing a stabilization effect and less mood swings. Studies have also shown that, when prisoners were given omega three fatty acids, there was a drastic reduction in hostile behavior. Omega-3s also appear to reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

Promotes Eye Wellness

Evidence shows that folks with a higher fish oil consumption seem to have a decreased risk of Dry-Eye Syndrome and developing AMD, or age-related macular degeneration. Preliminary research also shows that fish oil supplementation aids in alleviating dry eye indicators, can help to slow macular degeneration for those already experiencing it and enhances eye health generally.

Pregnancy, Infant Brain/Eye Development & Reduced Incidence of Childhood Disorders

DHA comprises 15-20% of the cerebral cortex and 30-60% of the retina, so it is definitely critical for natural growth and development of the fetus and baby. Prenatal DHA availability also seems to lessen the chances of childhood allergies and have an effect on motor skill quality, cognitive development and behavior/hyperactivity later in the child's life. Omega-3s also help to lower the chances of premature birth and low birth weight.

Promotes Optimal Metabolism of Fat and Weight Loss

According to the National Institute of Health, omega-3s trigger "I'm full" signals to the brain and aid in inhibiting hunger signals. Research has also demonstrated that fish oil improves the efficacy of exercise in reducing body fat. Volunteers who were given fish oil as part of their diet showed greater weight loss as contrasted with those who did not consume fish oil. Exercise along with fish oil had a positive effect on the body shape and body composition of the participants.

Decreases Risk of Breast, Prostate & Colorectal Cancers

Though more research in this area is urgently needed, we now are aware that the omega 3's that appear in fish oil assist in the prevention and treatment of testicular, prostate, breast and ovarian cancers. Preliminary studies imply that consuming fish oil daily can help slow the progression of colon cancer in people with early stages of the disease and may possibly have the capacity to induce apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells.

A great deal more could be said about the many fish oil benefits. And, as the scientific community and doctors continue to study omega-3s, you can bet that fish oil will keep making news as the ideal source of these essential fatty acids that are so essential to our bodies. Even if you're currently in good health, a quality fish oil supplement is the simplest, safest way to achieve and maintain optimal health!"

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