Sunday, August 8, 2010

Inverted Nipples Correction Surgery

Cosmetic surgery for correcting nipple inversion is relatively safe, easy and quick. Patients can normally go home a few hours after the operation. If you are considering inverted nipple cosmetic surgery, this article will explain what you can expect with a straight-forward procedure.

You will receive local anaesthesia which will numb the breast region to be worked on. Your surgeon will then make an incision at the base of the areola on the nipple. Your nipple is held in place in a corrected position while the doctor loosens the underlying adhesions that are constricting the nipple from its natural movement. When working on the adhesions, the surgeon is very careful not to damage any of the milk ducts, as this is a risk with this surgery. The nipple is then sutured to keep the nipple in the correct position.

Over the next few days, the sutures hold the nipple in the correct protracted position. Depending on the type of suture used, they are either removed after a few days, or they dissolve in time. Full healing normally takes about two weeks.

Most methods of nipple correction are geared towards keeping sensation and ability to breastfeed intact. Even so, while looking into the cosmetic surgery option, make sure you choose your practitioner carefully. Tell your surgeon your concerns about your ability to breastfeed afterwards.

Check the credentials of your prospective surgeon to ensure he is fully qualified to perform the procedure. Look into before and after pictures, and testimonials from previous patients are always a good idea. Depending on your own physical make-up, one surgeon might be better suited to you than another. Check around the surgeons who offer this procedure. Have a consultation with more than one. Then make your mind up.

There are risks with any form of surgery. Some people have side effects caused by the local aesthetic, and there is always a small percentage of people who may get an infection after the procedure. Talking to your surgeon about the risks is the most sensible step to take here as the risks vary from patient to patient. As with all surgeries, generally your healing can be slower if you are a smoker. When you have all the facts, you can determine if the procedure it worth it for you.

Recovery time varies from patient to patient. Normally this procedure is only a day surgery, meaning you will go home afterwards, especially if only local anaesthesia was used. Your surgeon will have the final say on this, as he will consider all factors, such as your current state of health, how you responded to previous surgeries, and if you have had any medical complications in the past.

For a few days after the procedure, you will experience some soreness at the site of the surgery. This goes away quickly enough. In the meantime, your surgeon will often prescribe painkillers to minimise discomfort you may have. Mild to moderate swelling in some patients is also normal. This also normally subsides after a few days. Bruising is very rare.

Straight-forward nipple correction procedures tend to range from €1500 - €2,500. However, your surgeon will be able to give you an accurate figure at your consultation when he has examined you and taken all factors into consideration. It is far more important that your surgeon has plenty of experience with this procedure, and you are comfortable that he can give you the result you are looking for. After all, you want the peace of mind of knowing that you will be properly looked after.

As with any cosmetic surgery, the best results depend on communication between doctor and patient. They will be able to tell you exactly what needs to be done and what procedure will suit you best.

Sue Woodall is the Patient Advisor at Dundrum Medical Cosmetic Clinic in Dundrum, Dublin in Ireland. If you want to know more about inverted nipples, download a free copy of a comprehensive report called 'The Facts About Inverted Nipples and What You Need to Know' from

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