Friday, August 6, 2010

How to Take Care of Your Own Health If You Are a Mesothelioma Caregiver

If you are taking care of someone with a disease such as mesothelioma it is essential that you tend to your own well being as well. That's because your health and outlook will not only impact your own well being. It will have a huge affect on how you cope with stressful situation which will affect the quality of your care giving.

Here are some simple things you can do to help you to take care of yourself while you take care of a loved one who is battling mesothelioma cancer.

Eat Well

It can be easy to fall into the habit of trying to survive on fast foods. There's no preparation time involved, they're easily accessible, and they don't cost a lot. However you probably know that they're not very nutritious and they're packed with fat and salt.

Your body needs the proper fuel for you to maintain your strength, a positive disposition, and the energy it needs just to get through the day. So it is well worth your time to prepare well balanced, wholesome meals. And make sure that you drink a lot of water - eight glasses per day should be your minimum.

Try to stay away from any processed foods, and limit how much coffee, soda, and alcohol you drink.

If you really feel pressed for time then you may want to buy prepared natural smoothies at a local health food store. They're usually packed with organically grown fruits and vegetables and all you have to do is open the container, pour a glass, and enjoy them.


Although you may feel as if you are on a treadmill with all of your responsibilities you should try to make the time to actually get on one every day or two. It's amazing how much even light exercise, such as taking a walk in your neighborhood, can do as far as boosting your spirits and energy are concerned.


People need at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Sleep helps you to cope with stress; it energizes you, and improves your ability to function optimally.

If you are finding it hard to sleep try meditation or relaxation exercises before you hit pillow. And a warm bath before going to bed can work wonders.

Take Time Outs

You need to make time for yourself if you want to be able to take care of your loved one. You also have needs that must be recognized and accommodated. Even if you only watching television for a few minutes or read a magazine, make sure that you take an occasional break.

And why not make the time to visit a good friend? The time away and the laughs you could have can help relieve some of the pressures that you are experiencing.

Get Support

Find support groups, friends, health care providers, neighbors, other family members, religious groups, social workers, etc, that you can turn to when you need emotional support or assistance. Once you realize that you're not in this alone you will feel more secure and a lot less isolated.

And to help cope with the expenses of medical treatments, etc, you can find successful mesothelioma attorneys who can help you to investigate the possibility of litigation. Just go to

Wendy Moyer on behalf of Sokolove Law.

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