Friday, March 29, 2013

How effective is HCG, Dr Simeon's Weight Loss Program?

There are currently a variety of weight loss diets. Most boast how said programs can easily and rapidly solve your weight problem. One of these programs though not actually new is the HCG diet.

The HCG, Dr. Simeon's discovery way back in the 1950's is probably the fastest weight loss program nowadays. It is known capable getting rid up to two pounds a day. The programs has two timeframes, a 23 day program for those needing to lose weight not less than 15 pounds and another program for 43 days for those who need to lose more.

The HCG hormone which Dr. Simeon introduced along with the HCG has been proven to have certain properties valuable for weight loss. It increases the metabolic rate of the body, and controls hunger pangs. The latter permits dieters to endure a very low calorie diet leading to rapid weight loss without the benefit of tiring workouts.

The HCG diet is particularly low calorie allowing just 500 calorie a day. It is also a detox diet, flushing toxins out of the body, which helps the metabolism work even better.

Both the diet and HCG hormone have instructions for implementation. The original HCG diet recipe is contained in the book "Pounds and Inches" which Dr. Simeon wrote to guide dieters. It is advised that the diet instructions be followed closely as tinkering with them can result to unfavorable outcomes.

The book also contains the protocols for absorbing the HCG hormone, but since there was no other method then but the injections instructions are for the method. Today, of course, there are the HCG diet drops which many prefer.

HCG Administration through the drops is quite simple unlike the injections which are time-consuming and entail some dangers like anxieties and increased blood pressure. All the drops require is for the dieter to pop into the mouth 15 drops of the hormone before or after meals and swallowing them after 15 seconds. In addition, the drops are cheaper that the injections.

The HCG drops because of ease of use make the HCG program even more effective as there are no unreasonable discomforts dieters have to contend with.

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