PMS or Pre-menstrual Syndrome involves significant hormonal changes where a number of uncomfortable symptoms are often experienced. There are a large number of women who often seek prescription medication to cope with significant changes in mood, behavior and the resultant discomfort. Palatine acupuncture can assist those suffering from such experiences in terms of healthier function and relief from strain.
The basis of acupuncture is in traditional Chinese medicine where practice includes methods to achieve unity between the mind, body and soul. Qi is the energy that flows within natural systems and when instability occurs appropriate function is compromised. Where prescription medication is consumed it can result in a significant amount of side effects.
Many have reported the experience of symptoms a few days before the start of the cycle. Where estrogen and progesterone levels have fluctuated it will not only impact on mood, but also adequate physical function. The professional may advise on herbal remedies to provide relaxation and strengthen the system.
Liver qi is said to be responsible for the balance of the menstrual cycle and resultant processes. This organ will need to remain balanced in order to prevent the occurrence of symptomatic behavior. A holistic approach to health may include recommendations for changes in diet often exacerbating the symptoms.
The practice will often involve the insertion of longer needles into the target region. The aim is to identify the poor flow and to redirect the energy throughout the body. This process will also aid in the normal flow of energy and relief from a fair number of symptoms that can place imitations on regular function.
Palatine acupuncture focuses on a traditional approach to wellness. The experience of PMS can be unpleasant and does not always respond favorably to medication. It is necessary to consult with a professional who can advise on suitable strategies based on individual needs.
The basis of acupuncture is in traditional Chinese medicine where practice includes methods to achieve unity between the mind, body and soul. Qi is the energy that flows within natural systems and when instability occurs appropriate function is compromised. Where prescription medication is consumed it can result in a significant amount of side effects.
Many have reported the experience of symptoms a few days before the start of the cycle. Where estrogen and progesterone levels have fluctuated it will not only impact on mood, but also adequate physical function. The professional may advise on herbal remedies to provide relaxation and strengthen the system.
Liver qi is said to be responsible for the balance of the menstrual cycle and resultant processes. This organ will need to remain balanced in order to prevent the occurrence of symptomatic behavior. A holistic approach to health may include recommendations for changes in diet often exacerbating the symptoms.
The practice will often involve the insertion of longer needles into the target region. The aim is to identify the poor flow and to redirect the energy throughout the body. This process will also aid in the normal flow of energy and relief from a fair number of symptoms that can place imitations on regular function.
Palatine acupuncture focuses on a traditional approach to wellness. The experience of PMS can be unpleasant and does not always respond favorably to medication. It is necessary to consult with a professional who can advise on suitable strategies based on individual needs.
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