Thursday, August 16, 2012

Don't Care What People Think of You

By Darrius Haslam

One of the major things that hold many people back in life is what other people think and say about them. Especially if they care too much about their opinions.

Often when making difficult decisions, the opinion and judgement of others will get in the way of what your really what to do.

When the point comes when changes need to be made in your life, you may decide against it because of how others may react.

Taking others views and opinions in a positive way can help you gather positive feedback. But placing too much value on what others think and do will keep you in the same old path, stuck in the place that you are trying so hard to get out of.

In what way can you overcome this issue to find more freedom in your life? It is inevitable that people will always have something to say about the things you do. But there are ways to help you care about what they say yet still do what you want to do.

When we overvalue what others might say about us, we are just holding ourselves back in life. This is due to us caring too much about other people's opinions. It is possible because we don't want people to laugh or make fun of us.

Instead of thinking that people are criticizing us, just think that they have too much too worry about in their own life to pay attention to you. You might think that you are less interesting to them in that sense, but at the same time you gain more self freedom.

Yes, in your head you may be the most important person in the world. But don't project that onto other people. Because in their world the most important person is probably themselves or their kids.

My mindset for praise - that I try to stick to as much as I can - is that it's cool and I appreciate it. It's great to get praise, but I seldom get overly excited about it and jump and down shouting enthusiastically.

A great upside of this mindset is that when you receive the opposite - negative criticism - you can often observe it calmly without too much wild, negative emotions blocking the way. This allows you to appreciate that piece of criticism too (if there is something to learn from it).

Moving on with this idea can lead you to move on not caring too much about what other people think.

Rarely are things ever completely about you. So when there is a negative person always complaining about other people or making personal attacks, more often than not they are probably not about you.

Such words or negative habits can be a way for that person to release pent up anger, frustration or jealousy about something in his or her own life. Or a way to reinforce that his or her viewpoint or belief is the right one. Or he or she may have habit of getting others involved emotionally - baiting them - to build a negative spiral, an argument or fight to get attention. It's about him or her. Not about something you did or want to do.

It is also nice to remember that once in a while everyone has a rotten day.

I wouldn't recommend to stop caring about what people may say altogether. Listening to what they have to say can provide you with valuable feedback and help you to keep yourself grounded so that your life and relationships do not spin out of control or break down.

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