Thursday, December 5, 2013

Your Primer For Running For Weight Loss

Running has become the typical workout among people of all ages. Although there are techniques on running better, running is a part of human mechanism. You may not know how to dance but you definitely can't not know how to run. There are even stories of formerly sedentary individuals who are now running full marathons. But the most common reason for the popularity of this sport is running for weight loss. Even Oprah said that running is the best exercise program.

The benefits of running are endless. Running is a top-rated cardiovascular exercise, which is necessary in an effective workout. It makes your heart stronger, increases your bone density, and torches a lot of calories. A 128-lb. person who runs 3 miles can burn about 260 calories. The number of calories it burns makes running for weight loss a favorite activity of almost everyone. Running also relieves stress because just like any other exercise, it releases endorphins. Moreover, since running is now a highly popular sport, you can join running clubs and running events and meet new people. It's a great activity that you can share with friends and family.

Running for weight loss is a rewarding physical activity, because it is one of the workouts that can give you fast results. Beginners in running must heed the running tips from experienced and professional runners to avoid injury. First of all, a warm-up routine is very important. Even if some are only running to lose weight, that is not an excuse to forego a warm-up routine. Jogging around at a very easy pace plus doing a few exercises that will loosen up the body's muscles is a good warm-up routine. The quality of shoes are also important. Running is strenuous to the knees, ankles, and feet so make sure that the pair has a sufficient shock absorber mechanism. This is especially important for those who run on cemented surfaces.

Running shoes should also be lightweight and flexible. They should conform to the feet as they move. The Saucony Progrid Omni 8 Running Shoes responds well to any surface with its shock-absorbtion abilities while conforming to the foot's shape to avoid blisters and slippage. It was even the winner of Runner's World Editor's Choice in 2009.

Joining running events and running clubs is a good way to improve your form and mingle with other people who are into running for weight loss. After all, the best way to lose weight is to have fun while doing it.

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