Well, that depends on what you want to use it for. This article will help you cut through the marketing hype and find out what the scientific evidence is for the effectiveness of the most commonly sought-out hypnosis treatments. The information in this article is based on a review of current mainstream scientific research.Is Weight Loss Hypnosis Effective? Yes, hypnotherapy does help long-term sustained weight loss.The study "Hypnotic Enhancement of Cognitive-Behavioral Weight Loss Treatments" investigated the effectiveness of adding weight loss hypnosis to cognitive-behavioral treatments. The study came to the conclusion that hypnosis improves the effectiveness of a weight loss program.Does Hypnosis Help Quitting Smoking? Yes, hypnotherapy does help long-term success in quitting smoking.
There are two viewpoints based on the works of Dave Elman and Milton Erickson. Followers of Milton Erickson believe that hypnosis is a process of communication with the "unconscious" mind. The suggestions which the client hears or sees get internalized within the unconscious mind which finds meanings from the past or present experiences and are acted upon unconsciously. Dave Elman taught about the "subconscious" mind as a part of the mind where suggestions work along with beliefs based on past experiences. Both describe what you could call models of learning that bypasses the conscious mind. Both models are useful for creating the change you want.
You may know the saying, "As a man thinketh, so shall he be." or in modern language, "As one believes and thinks, so one will experience life." What you believe about the world and yourself determines the results you get.Mind-Body Connection.You can begin to understand how hypnosis works when you think of the mind-body connection. The subconscious mind interacts with the autonomic nervous system. Exactly how they do so is beyond the scope of this article. You can tell they do by the research and amazing results people like you and doctors talk about. The truth is there is no split. You are actually a body-mind, one thing.
We have all seen enough hypnotists performing stage shows that we can at the very least say it appears to work. Generally when people ask me the question, "does hypnosis work?" what they really want to know is does hypnotherapy work. It's all well and good to get someone into a trance and tell them about making some great change in their lives, but does it actually do anything? And finally are the effects of hypnosis permanent?
Well first of all I have to tell you that for most people the effects of hypnosis are about as permanent as eating. Sure it does fill you up at the time, but it does not last and you do have to repeat it. That does not necessarily mean having regular hypnosis sessions. Let us take the example of a smoker trying to use hypnosis to quit. They might feel incredibly positive about no longer being a smoker immediately after a hypnosis or self-hypnosis session but they have to carry on this positive energy beyond the session.
If 10 minutes later they think to themselves "well that did nothing, I'm going to go have a smoke" then they are as stubborn as the person who refuses to let a hypnotist have 'power' over them. If they go to the bus stop and have to wait 15 minutes for a bus where they start thinking "oh I use to smoke here... what am I supposed to do now?" then they really want to use smoking as a crutch in their lives - they smoke when they're bored, stressed, upset, etc., and that's not likely to stop now.
Hypnosis does not work on everyone in the world. One type of person that hypnosis will be ineffective is for people with an I.Q. that is below 70. If you are not that intelligent then here's one reason that can make you happy. If someone tries to manipulate you using hypnosis then they will be unsuccessful. Hypnosis works better with people in the 100 plus I.Q. range. Since hypnosis involves a lot of imagination and creativity, people that have low I.Q. will simply find it hard to keep pace.
It only makes sense that our mind affects our body when we remember about the placebo effect, that is the fact people with a disease get better when taking sugar pills or injections of saline solutions. Pharmaceutical companies confirm this placebo effect with every study of a new drug. Their goal is to prove a drug is better than a placebo while their results show the placebo helps a surprising number and sometimes a substantial portion of the group who take it.Take note, we're not saying that placebos are better than pharmaceuticals, just that they work because the mind influences the body as part of the same system. The mind has much more to do with your physical health than you were probably taught. The reason for this lies in the power of the subconscious or unconscious mind. This inner conscious mind is in control of your heart rate, breathing, smooth muscles like those around our organs. You can think of it as the part of your mind that's below the surface.
What's Inner Mind? If you want to get more specific, the inner mind uses the parts of your brain beneath the cerebral cortex where neuroscientists have identified structures that are responsible for feeling emotion, normal body movement you know so well they become automatic like walking and processes necessary for survival such as breathing. Because the subconscious mind both influences what you perceive and changes as a result of your perceptions, it involves the rest of the nervous system beyond the brain. This subconscious or inner mind is the seat of your emotions, habits and beliefs, and it involves your memories and experiences in creating your wellness.That principle of the body and mind affecting each other in one system is one of the presuppositions of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), a method of reproducing excellence based on observing others. It includes strategies of changing oneself, helping others, selling and communicating.The earliest work on NLP was based on studying the work of the hypnotherapist Dr. Milton Erickson and other excellent therapists in order to teach their colleagues how to achieve remarkable results more quickly and easily. Because NLP and hypnotism are intimately related and have various applications, many people study and use both in their clinics.
[How To Hypnotize Someone]
There are two viewpoints based on the works of Dave Elman and Milton Erickson. Followers of Milton Erickson believe that hypnosis is a process of communication with the "unconscious" mind. The suggestions which the client hears or sees get internalized within the unconscious mind which finds meanings from the past or present experiences and are acted upon unconsciously. Dave Elman taught about the "subconscious" mind as a part of the mind where suggestions work along with beliefs based on past experiences. Both describe what you could call models of learning that bypasses the conscious mind. Both models are useful for creating the change you want.
You may know the saying, "As a man thinketh, so shall he be." or in modern language, "As one believes and thinks, so one will experience life." What you believe about the world and yourself determines the results you get.Mind-Body Connection.You can begin to understand how hypnosis works when you think of the mind-body connection. The subconscious mind interacts with the autonomic nervous system. Exactly how they do so is beyond the scope of this article. You can tell they do by the research and amazing results people like you and doctors talk about. The truth is there is no split. You are actually a body-mind, one thing.
We have all seen enough hypnotists performing stage shows that we can at the very least say it appears to work. Generally when people ask me the question, "does hypnosis work?" what they really want to know is does hypnotherapy work. It's all well and good to get someone into a trance and tell them about making some great change in their lives, but does it actually do anything? And finally are the effects of hypnosis permanent?
Well first of all I have to tell you that for most people the effects of hypnosis are about as permanent as eating. Sure it does fill you up at the time, but it does not last and you do have to repeat it. That does not necessarily mean having regular hypnosis sessions. Let us take the example of a smoker trying to use hypnosis to quit. They might feel incredibly positive about no longer being a smoker immediately after a hypnosis or self-hypnosis session but they have to carry on this positive energy beyond the session.
If 10 minutes later they think to themselves "well that did nothing, I'm going to go have a smoke" then they are as stubborn as the person who refuses to let a hypnotist have 'power' over them. If they go to the bus stop and have to wait 15 minutes for a bus where they start thinking "oh I use to smoke here... what am I supposed to do now?" then they really want to use smoking as a crutch in their lives - they smoke when they're bored, stressed, upset, etc., and that's not likely to stop now.
Hypnosis does not work on everyone in the world. One type of person that hypnosis will be ineffective is for people with an I.Q. that is below 70. If you are not that intelligent then here's one reason that can make you happy. If someone tries to manipulate you using hypnosis then they will be unsuccessful. Hypnosis works better with people in the 100 plus I.Q. range. Since hypnosis involves a lot of imagination and creativity, people that have low I.Q. will simply find it hard to keep pace.
It only makes sense that our mind affects our body when we remember about the placebo effect, that is the fact people with a disease get better when taking sugar pills or injections of saline solutions. Pharmaceutical companies confirm this placebo effect with every study of a new drug. Their goal is to prove a drug is better than a placebo while their results show the placebo helps a surprising number and sometimes a substantial portion of the group who take it.Take note, we're not saying that placebos are better than pharmaceuticals, just that they work because the mind influences the body as part of the same system. The mind has much more to do with your physical health than you were probably taught. The reason for this lies in the power of the subconscious or unconscious mind. This inner conscious mind is in control of your heart rate, breathing, smooth muscles like those around our organs. You can think of it as the part of your mind that's below the surface.
What's Inner Mind? If you want to get more specific, the inner mind uses the parts of your brain beneath the cerebral cortex where neuroscientists have identified structures that are responsible for feeling emotion, normal body movement you know so well they become automatic like walking and processes necessary for survival such as breathing. Because the subconscious mind both influences what you perceive and changes as a result of your perceptions, it involves the rest of the nervous system beyond the brain. This subconscious or inner mind is the seat of your emotions, habits and beliefs, and it involves your memories and experiences in creating your wellness.That principle of the body and mind affecting each other in one system is one of the presuppositions of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), a method of reproducing excellence based on observing others. It includes strategies of changing oneself, helping others, selling and communicating.The earliest work on NLP was based on studying the work of the hypnotherapist Dr. Milton Erickson and other excellent therapists in order to teach their colleagues how to achieve remarkable results more quickly and easily. Because NLP and hypnotism are intimately related and have various applications, many people study and use both in their clinics.
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