Saturday, April 20, 2013

Norwalk CT Chiropractors Helps Whiplash Sufferers Get Pain Relief

By Andre Ferlo

It has been estimated that a significant number of people involved in a car accident will suffer from the painful effects of whiplash. It is a common injury involving incredible force placed on the delicate nerves, joints, and muscles within the head and neck regions. The Norwalk chiropractor focuses on alignment of the tissues to relieve discomfort and restore normal functioning.

Due to the fact that every case of whiplash will differ from one person to the next, a comprehensive plan for recovery will be determined. The chiropractic examination can reveal the nature of the injury. Once dysfunction is determined, individualized plans will be developed in working towards a recovered state.

The therapeutic approach incorporates methods such as spinal adjustment, personalized exercise routines, and positive lifestyle changes. In the event of whiplash, the force may cause the misalignment of the joints and the spine. The procedure referred to as chiropractic adjustment involves gentle thrusting motions so that symptoms may diminish and balance be restored.

Neck and shoulder muscles that have become strained and stiff may be addressed by means of relaxation and stimulation methods. Dysfunctions are addressed by means of stretching techniques. The aim is to relieve tight sensations and to improve circulation in these targeted regions for the facilitation of healing processes.

Tension and strain in the neck, shoulders, and upper lumbar region may respond best to relaxation and stimulation. The pressure points are assessed and light stretching of the muscles implemented for a greater sense of relief. For healing to take place, blood circulation needs to be facilitated at a cellular level.

With a complete physical examination, abnormalities are identified. Various lifestyle factors playing a maintaining role in discomfort may be improved for healthier ways of living and coping. The Norwalk chiropractor assists in recommendations for individualized strategies that will relieve ongoing pain and the damage associated with whiplash.

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