Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Veteran Showbiz Columnist Army Archerd Dies of Mesothelioma

No one is spared from health hazards. Recently veteran showbiz Army Archerd is said to have died of mesothelioma cancer.

Army Archerd Veteran Showbiz Columnist and Mesothelioma Exposure

Archerd served US Navy during World War II. He is said to have contracted mesothelioma cancer during his military services during this time. For decades asbestos was widely used to insulate vessels. After fighting the rare case of cancer at the age of 87 the stalwart reporter passed away on 8th September 2009 at a hospital in Los Angeles, California.

Archerd began his journey as a journalist with Associated Press before moving on to the entertainment industry. He penned some of the interesting entertainment writings which was a must read in the entertainment industry.

After a brief stint with Associated Press, he spent nearly 50 years with the magazine Daily Variety. One of the famous Hollywood gossip writers in recent times, Army Archerd became the resident columnist of Daily Variety. His Just for Variety column was one of the most read columns in Daily Variety.

Not only his writings were thoroughly appreciated, it was also one of the most influential writings. If you are aware of Hollywood Walk of Fame, you should know that he was the first of journalist to be ever awarded with a Star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Hollywood Variety Columnist Army Archerd Dies of Mesothelioma

The greatest threat with mesothelioma is that the time gap between contracting the disease and the symptoms becoming visible takes as long as 40 to 50 years. Same was the case with Army Archerd. He must have served US Navy probably in his late twenties and finally he died suffering from Meso thelioma cancer at the age of 87. Unfortunately the greatest drawback with Mesothelioma is that the symptoms are highly confusing and they can be clearly diagnosed only at advanced stages.

The contributions by the veteran entertainment writer need the best of appreciation and it is time to mourn for having a lost a great columnist.

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