Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A New Method Of Losing Fat Fast With Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract

By John Raven

Raw coffee beans provide many health benefits. Unfortunately, they are normally roasted prior to the preparation of the popular beverage, a process that removes most of the beneficial effects. In the last couple of years, however, pure green coffee bean extract has attracted a lot of publicity, thanks mainly to clinical and biochemical studies that have confirmed its effectiveness in promoting weight loss. As a result, it is now widely available to the general public.

The high levels of caffeine found in the normal drink account for its use as an aid to achieving weight loss. It acts as a stimulant that helps burn up calories through greater physical and mental activity, but many people are concerned about its side effects. The beneficial effects of the green beans are not due to caffeine, which is present in much smaller quantities, but to another natural compound.

Green coffee contains a substance known as chlorogenic acid. The "chloro" part of the name has nothing to do with chlorine, but comes from the green color produced when it reacts with some other chemicals. Chlorogenic acid is decomposed by high temperatures, which means that it is not present in roasted beans. Thus, traditional coffee will not produce the same beneficial effects.

It has long been known that chlorogenic acid is a powerful natural antioxidant - that is, a substance that inhibits oxidation reactions in the body. These reactions produce chemicals known as free radicals, which can damage cells. They are thought to play a role in the aging process and in the development of cancer. Antioxidants are therefore regarded as beneficial compounds that can slow down aging and reduce the risk of cancer.

It is, however, the use of the extract as a slimming aid that has attracted most attention. In one study, carried out over a period of 22 weeks, a group of volunteers lost an average of 17 pounds. Another group, given a placebo, showed no overall weight loss. In both cases, the participants in the study were instructed to follow their normal diet and exercise patterns.

When sugars are digested, the simple carbohydrate glucose is produced. This is used as an energy source. Often, not all of the glucose is used and the remainder is converted into fat, which is a means of storing energy for future use. This enabled early humans to survive periods when food was short, but in societies where food is plentiful fat can accumulate, leading to weight gain and obesity. Chlorogenic acid slows the release of glucose into the bloodstream, so that less of it ends up as fat.

The benefits of chlorogenic acid may not end there. At least two other effects have been observed. Firstly, it seems to increase the activity of the liver, allowing fats to be metabolized more quickly. Secondly, it appears to help maintain blood sugar at a steady level.

Pure green coffee bean extract is made by soaking raw beans rather than roasting them. This ensures that the active ingredients are not destroyed. The extract can be purchased online in capsule form.

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