Thursday, January 31, 2013

Some Information On Ibogaine And Its Effects

By Rosetta Drake

There are many individuals who have fallen victim to a drug addiction. Though some are serious about kicking the habit, resolve alone will not work for everyone. In some cases, medication is needed to stop the cycle and help the addict quit taking a substance. One such solution is known as ibogaine.

This is a compound that is derived from a tree native to parts of Africa. The tribes used it for their important ceremonies but its other uses soon became apparent. Research led to the realization that this material can be used to help stop addictions to substances like heroine, cocaine, alcohol, and so on.

It is known to diminish the symptoms that may be experienced during the withdrawal stage. The good thing about taking this substance is that it does not need to be used continuously. Those who have taken in are also not in danger of getting hooked. Once this is taken, it will help flush out all the drugs in the system.

It is reputed to have a hallucinogenic effect. It is supposed to induce a dreamlike state so that it is actually possible to process past events. The person may feel like he is still dreaming even though he is actually awake. The effect varies for every person and can last for several hours. Once the first stage is over, a period of introspection takes over.

Many people get into a habit because they have problems. Rather than face it, they take substances to make them feel better. Upon taking this substance, the individual can reflect on his past and figure out why he started the habit in the first place. This can lead to significant breakthroughs that will help him fight his addiction.

There have been mixed reactions to the use of this substance. In some locations, the use of this substance has already been prohibited. On the other hand, there are places that have not placed restrictions on it yet. There is a lot of skepticism involved due in part to the fact that not much clinical research has been conducted.

The use of this substance in a detoxification program does not mean that all you will have to do is to take it and all will be well. It is typical for these programs to pair it with counseling, therapies and other forms of support. Since the effect varies for every individual, some may experience success with it while others will not.

Due to the interest in it, there are already a number of treatment centers that feature the use of this substance. If you are considering such a step, make sure that you know all the risks associated with undergoing such a treatment. These centers are located in different countries and may have different approaches to addiction.

Ibogaine is a substance that is thought to help in stopping addictions. When an individual takes it, a dream like state may be induced and the withdrawal symptoms typically experienced diminish in intensity. It is reported to induce a dream state that allows one to remember past events and deal with his personal issues.

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