Sunday, May 20, 2012

Getting The Help I Needed At The Vancouver Rehab Center Has Totally Altered My Life

By Elton J. Eaton

I reached a point in my life where I had come to the end of my rope and I simply could not continue suffering through the emotional and physical anguish of my drug addictions, so I mustered up all the strength I had left in me and checked into a Vancouver rehab center. When I was young I had never done anything very bad, just the usual kid stuff, but when I went away to college, I made a huge mistake by trying some meth that a friend gave me. I found that it gave me a sensation, an edge that I liked, so when the chance came to try it again, I could not resist.

Pretty soon I found myself purposely seeking it out, feeling like I had to have it just to get through a tricky class or to stay up late to study for a test. Before I knew it, I looked around and found my life in ruins, failing all of my classes and on the verge of being homeless since I was going through all of my money to support my meth habit and piling up a lot of debt that I could not pay.

It got to the point where I would probably have died if my family and friends had not stepped in and talked to me about my problem and when I resisted, they nearly forced me into a rehab center. But I finally gave in and checked myself into the aforementioned Vancouver rehab center to get my life turned around and to restore my feelings of self-worth.

Now it wasn't a walk in the park, as some might believe, but it required a lot of focused energy and work to be able to actually make the changes in my life so that I would really be changed and not end up back in rehab in a few months, and the staff were really helpful and patient with me. When I first arrived, I was impressed with how peaceful the environment was, and it was advantageous to the healing that goes on and it helped me to feel at peace for the first time in a long time.

This rehabilitation clinic does an amazing job of focusing on the needs of the clients, and they admit a smaller number of clients at a time so that each client can receive the attention that they require, which is why this clinic has the best treatment Vancouver can offer. Now that I am done, I have been clean for nearly a year, which has been in many ways, both the best and worst year of my life. It has been a bumpy road and I have shed many tears facing all of the mistakes I made and the people I hurt, but there is nothing better in the entire world than feeling in control of your life again.

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