Saturday, May 12, 2012

GERD And Acid Reflux Symptoms

By Tammy Foster

Perhaps your throat feels a little bit on the tight side. Are you on the verge of getting a cold or flu? Or, could it be the onset of gastroesophageal reflux illness (GERD)?

Perhaps you've got a unexpected discomfort right smack dab in the middle of your chest. Are you having a mild coronary? Or, it GERD or acid reflux disease symptoms?

GERD is a great impersonator. It has symptoms that are quite similar to those of other conditions and sicknesses. So much hence that it's often tough to tell the root root of the symptoms that you've got.

Does this mean you can never quite be sure whether or not you are experiencing the signs of GERD? Absolutely not.

The most important part when talking of the functionality of a body part, in the whole acid reflux, heartburn, GERD drama in your life, is your lower esophageal sphincter (or LES for short). The LES is simply a valve found at the crossover of where your esophagus meets up with your stomach. This valve has a quite simple function in that it opens to allow food into your gut and then is meant to close firmly enough as to not allow for any reflux. Reflux is just acidic stomach content that can flow backwards (or reflux) back into your esophagus.

Your LES can occasionally open accidentally and when this happens it can produce an entire variety of rather unpleasant reactions. Any one of those reactions can be classified as a symptom of; or GERD causes.

Because of any kind of reflux, your saliva glands will kick into action and begin manufacturing the natural and acid of spit in his effort to neutralise the acidic backwash. The result of such can be something as common as a bit of bad taste in your mouth and even dog breath from all the stomach stuff occurring in your mouth.

However as is the case with all reflux symptoms, it's important that you rule out other likely causes such as some type of dental problem, or an infection that could be the result and not essentially GERD.

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