Monday, June 30, 2014

Chi Kung Exercises for Breast Cancer Treatment and Prevention - Health - Diseases and Conditions

The most powerful tool traditional Chinese medicine has to offer for breast cancer treatment and prevention is Chi Kung, an ancient system of exercises that increases Chi (vital energy), bolsters the immune system, and unlocks the body's innate healing ability.

Practicing Chi Kung Practice the entire series of movements in the order listed at least once a day. If you have breast cancer or are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, practice twice daily. Wu Ming Meridian Therapy can lessen the side effects of these treatments by helping your body expel toxins. Do not practice for at least half an hour after eating a meal or engaging in sexual intercourse. Do not practice when you are menstruating. Try to practice at the same time each day. The hours of 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. are the best times to build Qi. In addition to practicing the movements as a set, do each movement individually whenever you can, especially if you are in the later stages of breast cancer. Almost all of the movements can be done rather inconspicuously, so take advantage of every moment you can: waiting for the train, watching television, or even talking on the phone. Adapt the exercises to your own ability. If it is difficult for you to stand, for example, do the movements while seated. Similarly, movements that use both arms can be done with only one arm if the other is immobilized. Skip any movement that is impossible for you to do. Preparing for PracticeBefore you begin practicing, take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes and clear your mind -- let go of everything that is bothering you; just leave it all behind. As you practice the movements, breathe naturally. These exercises require no special breathing and no visualizations. (The principle of Wu Ming Meridian Therapy is that no technique is the best technique.) Concentrate on each movement as you do it. If your mind starts to wander, imagine that you are drawing energy from the sun, the moon, and the stars. Imagine that this energy from the universe is filling your body and destroying all cancer and illness. Do not focus on a particular organ or body part; see your whole body becoming healthier. Most importantly, take great joy in the knowledge th at you have the ability to heal yourself. The Chi you are building should be gentle, joyful, peaceful, and calm.After you learn the mechanics of each exercise,and visit slow each movement down. Remember that Wu Ming Meridian Therapy is not aerobic, nor is it designed to build muscle (although you will have more physical strength with regular practice). These are slow, gentle movements that stimulate the smooth flow of Chi through your body.

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