Acupuncture is a form of holistic medicine which has been around for about 3000 years, originating in ancient China. It is based on the belief that the body possesses specific energy pathways which can become blocked causing illness. The insertion of thin needles into particular points can re-balance this vital energy flow. A Palatine acupuncture therapist can provide this service to clients who are seeking an alternative method of pain relief.
"Qi" is the name given to this intrinsic energy force. Illness can occur when this natural energy gets stopped up, lowering immunity. When designated points on the body are stimulated, it effectively restores energies to the proper levels and promotes health. An acupuncture therapist will assess the patient's condition, and identify which points to use.
There are over 500 "acupoints" in the body, each forming a pathway to a specific organ system. When these points are activated, it restores energy to organs and helps them function properly. Most often about 10-12 points are utilized for each session. If there is muscle pain and stiffness, the needles may be inserted into "trigger points" which are areas of increased sensitivity in the muscles.
The procedure is quite simple, and consists of thin, stainless steel needles being strategically placed into the appropriate points. To ensure safety, the needles are sterilized first and then discarded following use. There is just a slight pinch felt when the needles are placed, and they will need to stay in place for at least 20 minutes for full effect.
This practice is effective when used alone and also when combined with physiotherapy. Studies have indicated that it encourages the production of endorphins in the brain. These neurotransmitters naturally relieve pain and promote healing in the body.
By choosing to undergo therapy at a Palatine acupuncture center, patients will enjoy a number of health benefits. Immunity usually improves against common illnesses, and there may be no need to take certain medications anymore. There is even evidence that some mental disorders can be helped by it.
"Qi" is the name given to this intrinsic energy force. Illness can occur when this natural energy gets stopped up, lowering immunity. When designated points on the body are stimulated, it effectively restores energies to the proper levels and promotes health. An acupuncture therapist will assess the patient's condition, and identify which points to use.
There are over 500 "acupoints" in the body, each forming a pathway to a specific organ system. When these points are activated, it restores energy to organs and helps them function properly. Most often about 10-12 points are utilized for each session. If there is muscle pain and stiffness, the needles may be inserted into "trigger points" which are areas of increased sensitivity in the muscles.
The procedure is quite simple, and consists of thin, stainless steel needles being strategically placed into the appropriate points. To ensure safety, the needles are sterilized first and then discarded following use. There is just a slight pinch felt when the needles are placed, and they will need to stay in place for at least 20 minutes for full effect.
This practice is effective when used alone and also when combined with physiotherapy. Studies have indicated that it encourages the production of endorphins in the brain. These neurotransmitters naturally relieve pain and promote healing in the body.
By choosing to undergo therapy at a Palatine acupuncture center, patients will enjoy a number of health benefits. Immunity usually improves against common illnesses, and there may be no need to take certain medications anymore. There is even evidence that some mental disorders can be helped by it.
About the Author:
Find a summary of the advantages of consulting a Palatine acupuncture professional and more information about a reputable acupuncturist at now.
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