Saturday, March 31, 2012

Stop Drunk Posting

By Natasha Gonzalez

Drunk calls and texts used to be the outlet of several intoxicated people, especially when they are heartbroken, miserable or secretly in love. Perhaps they do this because that is the only time when their inhibitions are off guard, and they feel more courageous and bold when they are not sober. Nowadays, the internet has also been used as a window for expressing feelings, sober or not. This article will talk about how to stop drunk posting. stop drunk posting

There is nothing that will hold you back from embarrassing yourself when you've passed your limits. Your self control is gone. You may not be even thinking clearly. Outcomes and results will be the last thing on your mind.

When you've had too much to drink, your emotions and feelings usually overcome you. There are countless of stories about people who do crazy stuff when they drink too much. Alcohol effects can be aggression, sensitivity, loudness, or even depression.

In order for you to stop yourself from doing way too much damage in calling, texting or posting people, drink slowly. Watch your liquor intake and pace yourself. Others may not have the tendency to post, call or text, but if you're one of those who are unlucky enough to not be able to help themselves in doing this, better keep your phone or laptop away.

Get the help of your friends and loved ones if you're having a difficult time disciplining yourself. They will be more than happy to save you from a huge deal of embarrassment. Not unless your friends are crazy and silly. If that is the case, they will serve up your phone and laptop to give them a hilarious time seeing you embarrassed.

To save yourself from these embarrassing moments, you should stop drunk posting. Stay away from your computer, or your phone. Even if you are woozy, try to think about what you are doing and reflect on its outcomes. More or less, placing posts on the internet while tipsy reflect an immature and stupid image of yourself.

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